Business Taxes in Cyprus


Dividends received by a non-Cyprus Resident Company are also exempted from SDC (if the dividend paid out from less than 50% investment income). If not exempted dividends are subject to 17% SDC.

Dividends received by a Cyprus resident company are exempted from corporation tax (whether received from a company situated in Cyprus or abroad).

Dividends received by a Cyprus Resident Company are also exempted from SDC, unless the dividends are paid out of profits that are more than 4 years old.


Gains derived from the sale of shares are exempted. Capital Gains tax is imposed on gains derived from the disposal of property situated in Cyprus (and gains from the disposal of shares of unlisted company that owns immovable property situated in Cyprus).


The cost for the registration of a Cyprus company amounts to approximately Euro 1.500 plus VAT.


Rent paid by a Cyprus resident company is subject to SDC at a rate of 3% on 75% of the gross rental income. The tax is withheld at source. No tax imposed on the payment of dividends to individuals who are Cyprus tax residents but are not domiciled in Cyprus.



Dividends paid to a non-resident (individual and company) are NOT subject to withholding tax. No tax is imposed on the payment of dividends to individuals who are Cyprus tax residents but are not domiciled in Cyprus.


No withholding tax is imposed on interest paid to a non-resident. Interest paid to a resident is subject to SDC deducted at source at a rate of 30% (3% on governments bonds). No tax imposed on the payment of dividends to individuals who are Cyprus tax residents but are not domiciled in Cyprus.


Royalties paid to a non-resident are subject to a withholding tax of 5% on film royalties and 10% to other royalties. Royalties paid to a non-resident for the use of rights outside the Republic.

No withholding tax on the payment of royalties by a resident company to another resident company.